Why Should We Support Artisan?

Humming a tune in union while working through the crops, planting and splashing palmful of water on each other while taking a dip in the summer pool. Lying under the moon, circling around "Nani", as she spun a woollen jumper narrating tales of the past and history of the unknowns. Days when everything was simpler, quieter and happier.

These are the moments which gave birth to Capra. When the sanctity of art was preserved through mundane activities of every day. When, we had a sense of value for things which were produced by our own hands. This blend of nostalgia and absolute delight finds its way to through our handcrafted products produced by the Indian Artisans and Artists.

 BUT.... Why Support craft? What is the Importance of Handmade? Why should we support craftsmen? Why should craft live?

With the advancement in technology, the word “Development” is wrongly portrait. Technology is never about leaving behind, it is about facilitating. However, blinded by the fast pace glitter of technology, craft & artisans are losing their ground at a fast pace. It is high time that we realise the importance of craft and artisans.

5 Reasons for why should we support Artisans:-

1. Empowers Individual Voice

Craftsmen put their heart and soul into craft to provide their patrons with handcrafted products, but aren’t able to market their products well enough because of the lack of resources provided to them to cope with globalisation and technology. These artisans work Hard and make a living out of their skills. Craft gives voice to these independent artisans.

2. Fight Against Fast Fashion

By working with artisans and crafters, we lend our hand to the fight against fast fashion. Fast fashion in clothing and lifestyle; produces goods which lack human touch, are soulless and produces monumental wastage. They are responsible for high energy consumption and polluting our fresh waters.

3. Bridging Rural-Urban Disparity of Economy

When money flows in a region, it will facilitate development of the place. The rural sector lacks in every aspect be it Roads, Education, Safety, Clean water, Health infrastructure or Job Opportunities. Money flow in economy on wake of development is more in the urban regions as compared to rural regions even when 65% population lives in the rural areas. Purchasing craft products is a direct financial support to the rural economy and hence helping in their development and reducing the urban-rural gap.

4. Enabling Rural Employment

Most of the craft is being practiced by Artisans from their home. It is a family affair where the women and children of the house help by taking charge of different activities. By developing employment opportunity in the rural regions, the artisans and the family members do not have to move to Urban cities for earning their living

5. Care for Ethnic Minorities

Craft in India is mostly practiced by the ethnic minorities. The country is still not out from the caste system. Bhat community would make Puppets, Patwa work with threads, Kohli of Chanderi master Chanderi Handlooms etc. A lot of caste in India were formed on the basis of the type of work they do. By supporting craft, we help in reducing the social and financial disparities of these Ethnic Minorities.

Capra is a small initiative to create a resurgence of art-forms long forgotten. Products that remark elegance, thoughtfulness and an appreciation for craft which is authentically handmade, community centric and timeless.

Reminiscing the good old days and bridging it present.